The Aero is now a biplane again, and how to tie the rudder on the plane

We’ve had a long couple of days of work. But hopefully it’ll be worth it. The Aero C 104 has got its canopy back, all its wings, in short, it’s a plane again. This, as always, was preceded by a lot of work that is not visible. For example, to level the plane, then using a strain gauge to “tune” all the trip wires to the values prescribed by the manufacturer, connect all the cables and control rods, then adjust them again according to the manual. And wherever you tweak one value, it immediately has an impact on the opposite side, in short – it’s a long and tedious process.
By the way, with canvas planes it’s clear that there’s a lot of sewing involved. But there is also the occasional tying, just as people tie their shoes, one such place on the Aero C 104 is the leather overlay of the gap between the stabilizer and rudder. A simple matter at first glance, but even that takes a lot of time.