The Queen Mary trailer project is coming to an end, so it’s time to start something new. We pulled our GMC CCKW 353B from the warehouse and set off for the workshop. There will be a lot of work on it, but we believe that the result will be worth it.
Today we were able to test the pilot seats for our Messerschmitt after a complete overhaul. After sandblasting and defectoscopy of the seat belt anchorages, we now have seats in the standard color RLM 02. We have also tested them with original wooden seats. These underwent a relatively demanding repair, but we could leave them for operation and did not have to make copies of them. Now they have a trip to the upholstery and then they will just wait for the rest of the plane. Here you can see what it looked like after removing it from the plane, before starting work.
Great news from the Let RePair workshop. The wings of our Messerschmitt are ready for cover panels after defectoscopy and spraying with the base paint.
To our great regret, the original wooden seat cushion for the rear seat of our Messerschmitt Bf 108 could not be repaired to withstand everyday operation. All that remained was to start producing a new one, based on the original model. The result is unrecognizable. Now upholstery awaits him.
Our Queen Mary has changed her place of temporary residence. She moved from the Let RePair workshop to the Česká aviatická hangar on the truck, where she will be able to apply labels and fine-tune small details. And one big surprise, but his time had not yet come.